The Cost of Complexity and Ownership

The Cost of Complexity and Ownership

Published on 2024 Oct 05

One night I was bored from one bug bounty contest that I was participating in, and I stumbled upon a CodeHawk First Flight contest. It was really late at night and the plan was to sleep but after ~3 hours I ended up on two high-severity and three low-severity bug submissions.

First Flights from Cyfrin are a great initiative towards getting used to hunting bugs in smart contract protocols, that has a low amount of sLOC and easy bugs to scope out. You get hands-on experience with how real-world security audits work.

This further led to the selection of my two high-severity vulnerabilities to be included in the final report of the competition.

MyCut - First Contest

After submitting my bugs well past midnight, I completely forgot about them for the next few weeks. When it finally crossed my mind again, I wondered if any of my submissions had made it into the final report. To my surprise, one of my high-severity submissions was selected for the report.

A total of 491 valid bug submissions were made to the contest. Only 9 others identified the same high vulnerability bug, which surprised me, as it is such a basic mistake that developers can happen to make.

We are talking about understanding arrays and gas consumption in Solidity.

Memory, Gas and Inefficiency

Memory in smart contracts is a temporary storage area that is used during the execution of a contract. It is volatile, meaning that it is cleared after the execution of the contract.

Gas is a unit that measures the amount of computational effort required to execute operations in a smart contract. Every operation in a smart contract consumes a certain amount of gas, where writing and reading from storage is a gas-intensive operation.


The vulnerability is a DoS attack that occurs when the closePot function is called with a large number of claimants. This is because the function iterates over the claimants array and the length of the array which is a state variable. When we do operations with a state variable we use gas each time. The consequence is that if the array is large enough, the transaction can run out of gas, thereby preventing the contract from executing as intended.

To mitigate this vulnerability, we would use a local variable to iterate over the claimants array. This will reduce the gas consumption because we are not getting the memory of the state variable each time.

Here is the whole submission from the final report:

Gas Limit DoS via large amount of claimants

Gas Limit DoS via large amount of claimants

Submitted by Owenzo, rashmor, 0x37, mishraji874, TM2, a1111198, Hoover, Joshuajee. Selected submission by: Hoover.


The Pot.sol contract contains a vulnerability that can lead to a Denial of Service (DoS) attack. This issue arises from the inefficient handling of claimants in the closePot function, where iterating over a large number of claimants can cause the transaction to run out of gas, thereby preventing the contract from executing as intended.

Vulnerability Details

Affected code - link

The vulnerability is located in the closePot function of the Pot contract, specifically at the loop iterating over the claimants array:

function closePot() external onlyOwner { ... if (remainingRewards > 0) { ... for (uint256 i = 0; i < claimants.length; i++) { _transferReward(claimants[i], claimantCut); } } } 

The closePot function is designed to distribute remaining rewards to claimants after a contest ends. However, if the number of claimants is extremely large, the loop iterating over the claimants array can consume a significant amount of gas. This can lead to a situation where the transaction exceeds the gas limit and fails, effectively making it impossible to close the pot and distribute the rewards.


  1. Attacker initiates a big contest with a lot of players
  2. People claim the cut
  3. Owner closes the large pot that will be very costly
 function testGasCostForClosingPotWithManyClaimants() public mintAndApproveTokens { // Generate 2000 players address[] memory players2000 = new address[](2000); uint256[] memory rewards2000 = new uint256[](2000); for (uint256 i = 0; i < 2000; i++) { players2000[i] = address(uint160(i + 1)); rewards2000[i] = 1 ether; } // Create a contest with 2000 players vm.startPrank(user); contest = ContestManager(conMan).createContest(players2000, rewards2000, IERC20(ERC20Mock(weth)), 2000 ether); ContestManager(conMan).fundContest(0); vm.stopPrank(); // Allow 1500 players to claim their cut for (uint256 i = 0; i < 1500; i++) { vm.startPrank(players2000[i]); Pot(contest).claimCut(); vm.stopPrank(); } // Fast forward time to allow closing the pot vm.warp(91 days); // Record gas usage for closing the pot vm.startPrank(user); uint256 gasBeforeClose = gasleft(); ContestManager(conMan).closeContest(contest); uint256 gasUsedClose = gasBeforeClose - gasleft(); vm.stopPrank(); console.log("Gas used for closing pot with 1500 claimants:", gasUsedClose); } 
Gas used for closing pot with 1500 claimants: 6425853


The primary impact of this vulnerability is a Denial of Service (DoS) attack vector. An attacker (or even normal usage with a large number of claimants) can cause the closePot function to fail due to excessive gas consumption. This prevents the distribution of remaining rewards and the execution of any subsequent logic in the function, potentially locking funds in the contract indefinitely. In the case of smaller pots, it would be a gas inefficiency to iterate over the state variable claimants.

Tools Used

Manual Review and Forge Tests


Gas Optimization: Optimize the loop to reduce gas consumption by using a local variable to iterate over, like in the following example:

 - for (uint256 i = 0; i < claimants.length; i++) { - _transferReward(claimants[i], claimantCut); - } + uint256 claimants_length = claimants.length; + ... + for (uint256 i = 0; i < claimants_length; i++) { + _transferReward(claimants[i], claimantCut); + } 

Batch Processing: Implement batch processing for distributing rewards. This will redesign the protocol functionality but instead of processing all claimants in a single transaction, allow the function to process a subset of claimants per transaction. This can be achieved by introducing pagination or limiting the number of claimants processed in one call. This could also be fixed if the user would claim their reward after 90 days themselves.

Mystery Box

After the first contest, I tried another First Flight. This time I also found a couple of high-severity vulnerabilities, and decided to submit them. This time 654 valid bug submissions were made to the contest, 112 of which identified the same high-severity vulnerability as me, and my submission was the one selected for the final report.

This time we are talking about ownership and access control.

Knocking on the Door

Ownership is powerful in the context of smart contracts. It allows the owner to perform actions that are otherwise restricted, such as transferring ownership, minting and burning, adjusting fees and upgrading functionality. However, this concentration of power can be a double-edged sword. The potential for misuse has created a substantial demand for attempts to hack contracts and gain equivalent ownership rights, posing security challenges for blockchain-based systems. Having the right access controls and checks in a protocol is a must, as demonstrated by the Euler Finance hack.

Hiding in Plain Sight

The vulnerability is in the MysteryBox::changeOwner function where it allows any user to become the owner of the contract, granting them unrestricted access to sensitive functions such as withdrawing funds, setting box prices, and adding rewards. This is present because the owner is set to the user who calls the function, without any preconditions or checks.

To mitigate this vulnerability, we can implement the onlyOwner modifier to check if the caller is the owner of the contract before allowing them to change the owner.

Here is the whole submission from the final report:

Lack of access control that allows unauthorized ownership transfers

Lack of access control in MysteryBox::changeOwner that allows unauthorized ownership transfer, leading to complete contract takeover and fund theft

Submitted by princ3oftm, gabr1sr, 0xethsol, abhishekthakur, JJS, newspacexyz, ognjenovicuros, baldbeardsecguy, foufrix, dustinhuel2, radiumx, FindingNem0, timefliez, ghufranhassan1, AniketTyagi, PureSecurity, 0xserpent, k3ysk1lls, cody, godwinx, appet, hex2bin, mengwp2004, pulse, badal_sharma09, vasquez, 0xharryriddle, dennnny, jporter, poink, ledgerLongBeard, faisalali19, hrmneffdii, 0xdanielc, 4rdiii, juggernaut63, shahid, 0xsalami, afdholudin, whizz1, 0x37, solgoodman, f21, mwendwa, furkansezal, safdie, tsueti, soupy, v1vah0us3, bengillitt, zibrasismail, yourguyd3v, SyncAudit, rolando, exolorkistis, 0xgee001, codedesignz, bryanconquer, 0xnelli, evmninja, poolig4n, ezerez, eth0x, nomadicbear, parkervzone, adamn000, Roskata14, ahamedaathal, heim, phylax, MrCrowNFT, xmrsaifx, coinleft, cryptekmegatron, invcbull, al88nsk, oluwaseyisekoni, vishwa, 0xyogi, 0xsrl, SfT, player, tenderbeastjr, Hoover, Oxchryston, brene, BigDog, eeshenggoh, devvmichael, tm2, lamsy, oxdvoe, dayeneris1, pob001, badar, murelel, chrissavov, xilobytes, awacs, jalilbm, n3smaro, pxng0lin, paolinapetkova, lydiamt, elvin_a_block, parmakhanm786, myssteeque, bhanusaienamala, 4th05, cryptedoji, cryptolappi, blacksquirrel, ferrabled. Selected submission by: Hoover


The MysteryBox.sol contract contains a critical access control vulnerability in the MysteryBox::changeOwner function. This vulnerability allows any user to become the owner of the contract, granting them unrestricted access to sensitive functions such as withdrawing funds, setting box prices, and adding rewards.

Vulnerability Details

Affected code - link

The vulnerability stems from the MysteryBox::changeOwner function lacking proper access control:

 function changeOwner(address _newOwner) public { owner = _newOwner; } 

This function allows any address to call it and change the owner of the contract. As a result, an attacker can easily take control of the contract by calling this function.


1. An attacker calls the changeOwner function to become the new owner of the contract.

2. The attacker, now the owner, withdraws all funds from the contract.

3. The attacker changes the box price to a new value.

4. The attacker adds a new reward to the reward pool.

 function testAccessControlVulnerability() public { // 1. Change owner console.log("Old Owner:", mysteryBox.owner()); vm.prank(attacker); mysteryBox.changeOwner(attacker); assertEq(mysteryBox.owner(), attacker); console.log("New Owner:", mysteryBox.owner()); // 2. Withdraw funds, 1 ether); uint256 initialAttackerBalance = attacker.balance; console.log("Attacker Balance Before Withdraw:", initialAttackerBalance); vm.prank(attacker); mysteryBox.withdrawFunds(); uint256 finalAttackerBalance = attacker.balance; console.log("Attacker Balance After Withdraw:", finalAttackerBalance); assertGt(finalAttackerBalance, initialAttackerBalance, "Attacker should be able to withdraw funds"); // 3. Set box price uint256 initialBoxPrice = mysteryBox.boxPrice(); console.log("Box Price Before Change:", initialBoxPrice); uint256 newPrice = 0.2 ether; vm.prank(attacker); mysteryBox.setBoxPrice(newPrice); uint256 finalBoxPrice = mysteryBox.boxPrice(); console.log("Box Price After Change:", finalBoxPrice); assertEq(finalBoxPrice, newPrice, "Attacker should be able to set box price"); // 4. Add reward string memory rewardName = "Attacker Coin"; uint256 rewardValue = 1337 wei; vm.prank(attacker); mysteryBox.addReward(rewardName, rewardValue); MysteryBox.Reward[] memory rewardPool = mysteryBox.getRewardPool(); console.log("Rewards Available:"); for (uint256 i = 0; i < rewardPool.length; i++) { console.log("Reward Name:", rewardPool[i].name, "Reward Value:", rewardPool[i].value); } bool rewardFound = false; for (uint256 i = 0; i < rewardPool.length; i++) { if (keccak256(abi.encodePacked(rewardPool[i].name)) == keccak256(abi.encodePacked(rewardName)) && rewardPool[i].value == rewardValue) { rewardFound = true; break; } } assertTrue(rewardFound, "Attacker should be able to add a new reward"); } 

This PoC demonstrates that an attacker can:

  1. Take ownership of the contract
  2. Withdraw all funds from the contract
  3. Change the box price at will
  4. Add new rewards to the reward pool

The console output shows the changes made by the attacker:

 Old Owner: 0x7c8999dC9a822c1f0Df42023113EDB4FDd543266 Old Owner: 0x7c8999dC9a822c1f0Df42023113EDB4FDd543266 New Owner: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000003 Attacker Balance Before Withdraw: 0 Attacker Balance After Withdraw: 1000000000000000000 Box Price Before Change: 100000000000000000 Box Price After Change: 200000000000000000 Rewards Available: Reward Name: Gold Coin Reward Value: 500000000000000000 Reward Name: Silver Coin Reward Value: 250000000000000000 Reward Name: Bronze Coin Reward Value: 100000000000000000 Reward Name: Coal Reward Value: 0 Reward Name: Attacker Coin Reward Value: 1337 

These actions should only be possible for the legitimate owner of the contract, highlighting the severity of the access control vulnerability.


The lack of access control in the MysteryBox::changeOwner function presents a critical vulnerability that can lead to catastrophic consequences for the contract and its users:

  1. Complete Contract Takeover: An attacker can easily become the owner of the contract, granting them unrestricted access to all owner-only functions. This allows them to manipulate the contract's core functionality at will.
  2. Fund Theft: As the new owner, the attacker can withdraw all funds from the contract using the withdrawFunds function. This could result in significant financial losses for the original owner and users who have invested in mystery boxes.
  3. Price Manipulation: The attacker can arbitrarily change the box price using the MysteryBox::setBoxPrice function. This could be exploited to:
    • Set extremely low prices to drain the contract's rewards quickly
    • Set unreasonably high prices to prevent legitimate users from participating
  4. Reward Pool Corruption: With the ability to add new rewards via the addReward function, an attacker could:
    • Introduce worthless rewards
    • Oversaturate the reward pool with low-value items, reducing the chances of users receiving valuable rewards
  5. Loss of User Trust: Once users discover that the contract has been compromised, it will likely lead to a complete loss of trust in the platform, potentially causing irreparable damage to the project's reputation.
  6. Disruption of Game Economics: For gaming or NFT projects utilizing this contract, the ability to manipulate prices and rewards could severely disrupt the in-game economy and user experience.

The severity of this vulnerability cannot be overstated. It essentially provides a "master key" to the entire contract, allowing an attacker to completely subvert its intended functionality and potentially cause significant financial and reputational damage to the project and its users.

Tools Used

Manual Review and Foundry Test


Implement proper access control on the MysteryBox::changeOwner function with custom revert errors:

 contract MysteryBox { // ... other contract code ... function changeOwner(address _newOwner) public { owner = _newOwner; } } 

Or consider using OpenZeppelin's Ownable contract to handle ownership-related functionality securely:

 import "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/Ownable.sol"; contract MysteryBox is Ownable { // ... other contract code ... function changeOwner(address _newOwner) public onlyOwner { transferOwnership(_newOwner); } } 

Add access control to other sensitive functions like MysteryBox::withdrawFunds, MysteryBox::setBoxPrice, and MysteryBox::addReward using the onlyOwner modifier.

When implementing an Ownable contract consider adding a time-lock mechanism for ownership transfers to provide an additional layer of security.

By implementing these recommendations, the security of the MysteryBox contract can be significantly improved, preventing unauthorized access and protecting both the contract and its users from potential attacks.